Improving pupil motivation, self-confidence and overall engagement in education.
Visitor Policy
The aims of this policy
The purpose of this policy and its associated procedures is to contribute towards the safeguarding of all children and staff both during and outside of hours when they are on our site. The ultimate aim is to ensure that all children and staff learn and work in an environment where they are safe and free from harm.
The objectives of this policy
The key objectives of this policy is to have in place a clear protocol and procedure for the admittance of external visitors to Figure of Eight Education which is understood by all staff, visitors and parents/carers and conforms to child protection guidelines and prevents unsuitable people from working with or accessing children and young persons in the school setting.
We have responsibility for the safety and well-being of all of our students anywhere on our sites, during normal hours and on organised (and supervised) off-site activities. This policy applies to:
All teaching and non-teaching staff employed by Figure of Eight Education
All external visitors entering the Tuition Centre or Environmental Centre during the working day
Local Authority staff
Building & Maintenance Contractors
Visitors invited to Figure of Eight Education
Before a visitor is invited to either the Tuition Centre or Environmental Centre, a clear explanation as to the relevance, purpose date and time of the visit is required. Our protocol and produces must be followed at all times.
Formal visitors representing the LA, businesses, contractors, outside agencies etc are required to present formal identification
All visitors enter the Tuition Centre through the main door and report to Administration staff
All visitors must complete the visitor questionnaire before visiting and they should be ready to produce formal identification
All visitors are required to sign the Visitors Record Book which is kept in reception at all times
All visitors are required to wear an identification badge
All visitors are shown a copy of the emergency evacuations procedures and protocol
Visitors are escorted to their point of contact OR their point of contact will be asked to come to reception to receive the visitor. The contact will then be responsible for them while they are on site.
On departing, visitors leave via the main entrance and:
Enter their departure time in the Visitors Record Book alongside their arrival entry
Return the identification badge to reception
Visitor Questionnaire
Thank you for taking your time to read our visitor policy. Please click here to complete our questionnaire.